Festival of Nation Fundrasing
Next Event: May 2-5, 2013
Saint Paul River Centre
Saint Paul, MN
萬國節是明州歷史最悠久也最大的多元文化慶典, 本校每年在萬國節文化廣場提供中文姓名翻譯並用毛筆書寫於書籤上供有興趣的民眾購買
The Festival of Nations is the largest and longest running multicultural festival in Minnesota, celebrating cultural diversity with food, music, demonstrations, exhibits and dance.
Every year,TCCLS fundraise in the Bazaar area by selling bookmarks with translated Chinese name or special words using Chinese pen brushes.
We need all kinds of volunteers for this event, if you are interested, please stop by the school office to sign up. Thanks.