成人班 Adult Advanced
林秀慧 老師
成二班的課程目標是讓學生能 “暢所欲言”—自如地表達個人觀點和感受,能提高自學、聽、說、讀、寫的技能。 並且 利用遊戲、網路、日常生活中所接觸的媒體, 來學習中文、 文化、習俗, 以及中國人的思考模式等等… 讓這些知識往後能融入其生活中。
The goal for Adult Advance Class is to let students quickly, confidently and freely express their own views and feelings in Chinese, and enhance their skills of self-learning, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Through the use of games, internets and all media in their daily lives, students will learn Chinese language, culture, customs and thinking patterns and, ultimately, integrate the knowledge into their lives.