Lunar New Year Celebration
School Year 2023-2024
Event Date: February 10, 2024
每年一或二月舉辦的農曆新年慶祝活動,內容包括舞獅、 幼小班唱遊、吉祥話等精采節目。我們還安排了好吃又好玩的紙藝、捏麵人、春聯、應景食物、燈謎等活動攤位,讓學生與來賓了解農曆新年的各項傳統及來由。
Every January or February, the school celebrates the Lunar New Year with a professional lion dance performance, dances and songs by our youngest students, and lucky rhymes recited by our older students. Students and guests can also enjoy a variety of activities, such as origami making, dough figurine making, festival food tasting, and lantern riddle solving, to learn about and appreciate Lunar New Year traditions and their stories.