中文班八年級 Grade 8
李儀芬 老師
八年級的中文課程和精心設計的敎材提供學生一個整體的學習體系. 教學內容除重視聽說讀寫技能的加強, 同時也溶合歷史文化的傳承. 上課的特色強調師生間和同學間的互動, 其間穿插遊戲, 生活點滴, 分組討論, 讀後心得, 小小研究等活動. 學生們常常要參與討論, 演講, 發表自創的小短文, 及將課堂所學活用於日常生活中. 我們的目標是為這些小朋友創造一個生動活潑又教育性豐富的學習經驗.
For the 8th Grade: The class equipped with the well-designed textbook and homework offer an integrated structure of courses covering from enhancing the four major linguistic skills (listen, speak, read, write) to embracing the historical and cultural heritage. The teaching methodology and style focus on the interaction between students and teacher and among students by incorporating games, real-life case studies, team-work, book reports, and small researches. The students are constantly being challenged to participate class/group discussions, make presentations, and write short essays by using their own words and expressions. In addition, the students are encouraged to apply what they’ve learned in their everyday activities and surroundings. The goal is to create a fun, animated, and rewarding learning experience for the students who already have a good Chinese language foundation.