中文班三年級 Grade 3
劉惠齡 老師
- 學生能正確發音,瞭解字義、口語表達、閱讀理解和聽力書寫能力的加強
- 學生能學習明瞭課本生字、生詞、課文、內容
- 學生能在快樂的環境中學習,有自信的使用中文
- 學生能將所學應用於生活中
Teaching and Learning Goals:
- Students will be able to correctly pronounce, clearly speak, and understand meaning of words in the textbook. We will also focus on reading comprehension and writing skills.
- Students will be able to learn and understand the new words, phrases, and lesson content in the textbook.
- Students will be to learn Chinese in a friendly environment and gain confidence in using Chinese.
- Students will be able to apply what they learn in their daily lives.